Taco Bell’s Newest Taco Shells Are Made From Fritos

Taco Bell, whose ability to astound us with the kind of food combinations that a proud but petulant six-year-old would make before refusing to eat any of it because it’s been mashed together, is about to astound us with another kind of combination that’s exactly like what a proud but petulant six-year-old would make before refusing to eat any of it because it’s been mashed together.

Frito Taco.

Tha’s right. Instead of a plain old boring taco shell ensconcing your beef and meat and cheese, Taco Bell is wrapping it in a Frito.

A Frito.

A fucking Frito man. And not just a little Frito for a tiny amuse bouche taco bite. No, a gigantic one, which is the size of a normal taco shell.

That’s fucking genius, man. I thought they were going cray when they used a Dorito and then another Dorito, but they were just getting started.

It was first spotted in Memphis by an astute Redditor. The taco comes in two choices, plain and chili cheese, which are two damn delicious Frito flavors, if you ask me.

What happens if they use Mesquite??

Oh man. Oh man. Mesquite Frito Taco Bell tacos.

Here’s what Brand Watch had to say:

Inside each shell, you’ll find beef chili, sour cream, shredded lettuce, diced tomato, shredded cheese.


They retail at $1.49 and I presume are amazing.

Taco Bell man. It cray, yo.

[Via Grub Street]