Florida Residents Find Shark Swimming In Their Backyard And YEP, No One Is Ever Swimming In That Water Again

Even when Floridians aren’t trying to be weird as shit, the weird shit just seems to find them. The entire state is just a hotbed for gonzo news stories. For instance, this video taken from the backyard of someone’s condo in Bonita Springs (which is a lovely part of the state, to be honest) shows a bull shark swimming in the water right outside of the building. Yeah, NO.

According to NBC 2:

An 8 to 9 foot bull shark has been swimming very close to the condos that line Hickory Boulevard.

Residents say it’s not the first time. Neighbors say people are chumming — throwing bait into the water — which is causing the sharks to return. Now, they are asking the city to get involved and prohibit fishing as well as designate the area as a swimming only area.

These people could designate the area as “swimming only” all you want, but you’d have to be a fucking psychopath to take a dip in that water after seeing this video. Sure it’s nice to cool off in the water sometimes, but I think I’ll take a cold shower and choose life instead.