Relax Ally lets you sleep sitting up without annoying anybody

We’ve all been stuck on a bus, or a plane, or in a car for long hours and tried to sleep, only to discover that’s pretty hard to do on something that shakes constantly. Or that you’ve been sleeping, and drooling, on the person next to you for three hours.

Relax Ally

The Relax Ally “restband” actually solves this.

It consists of two parts: A band you strap to the back of your head rest, and a band you strap across your head. Rest head against band, and the two click together with just enough strength to hold your head still while you sleep, but part easily if you need to suddenly get up.

This does have advantages: You won’t hurt your neck, you won’t “nod” yourself awake, and it’s way less conspicuous than using a neck brace, which is actually what most road warriors recommend if you want to catch some zzzz’s on the bus.

On the other hand, you will look like a bit of a dork, but getting some decent sleep tends to take precedent over looking good.

Relax Ally [Official Site]