Games you’ve grown bored with made good again thanks to booze

It’s Friday, so there’s a good chance that you’ll be spending your evening with some buds, playing video games and also drinking. So why not combine both?

First is a reason to fire up Nintendo Land once again. Which is a great game that you might have gotten bored to death with, due to playing it do death over Christmas (and due to there being hardly any other good games on the Wii U)…

Now if you don’t happen to own a Wii U (don’t blame you; refuse to get one until the aforementioned dearth of games is no more), here’s another that taps into Halo 4, which I’m pretty sure more reading this are owners of…

And if you happen to have a few guitar controllers crammed in the corner of your closet, doing absolutely nothing, the following is especially useful…