So Many Questions Need Answered About This World Record Washing Machine Toss At The Cincinnati Reds Game

I totally get that there’s world records for all kinds of dumb shit. But this has to be among the dumbest of them. Tossing a washing machine for distance!? Where the fuck do people think this stuff up!?

Apparently, somewhere in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, where this earth-shattering throw went down last night at the Reds game.

How does on even get into this!? Like, that’s just a super weird hobby. I’m just so befuddled and left with so many questions after watching it all go down.

Is there a standard washing machine that tossers use on the circuit? Are PED’s encouraged? Does that little pony-tail thing on that guy’s head help him balance that washing machine pre-throw? Are there actual competitions for this stuff? Or did this dude literally just have an epiphany one day and go, I’m going to be the best in the world at throwing washing machines!?


I’m just so lost here. I need answers, people. Answers.

But of course the Cincinnati Reds fans ate the stunt up. NEW WASHING MACHINE TOSS WORLD RECORD WOOOOOOOOH!!! Better than 48-58 baseball, I suppose.

[h/t SI Extra Mustard]