Mark Cuban spoke about racism and a bunch of people took it the wrong way

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was asked about Donald Sterling and racism in general during an interview at the GrowCO conference in Nashville. At one point, Cuban describes a situation in which he admits to being prejudiced and bigoted. Naturally the “internet” twisted it and called him racist. Yeah, the “internet’s” crazy like that you guys.

Here is the quote.

On bigotry in general: I know I’m prejudiced and I know I’m bigoted in a lot of different ways. If I see a black kid in a hoodie on my side of the street, I’ll move to the other side of the street. If I see a white guy with a shaved head and tattoos, I’ll move back to the other side of the street. None of us have pure thoughts; we all live in glass houses.

Bleacher Report
was one of the first sites to jump on the quote. They rolled with a headline Cuban wasn’t happy about (it has since been changed). He addressed the writer on Twitter.


Admit to a prejudice, get called a racist. That’s 50% of Twitter nowadays.

By the way, here’s the video of the Cuban interview (since nobody’s linking that). It gives the quotes proper context.

Photo: USA Today Sports/Kevin Jairaj