Just Watching Kevin Durant’s Offseason Training Will Make You Exhausted

The offseason training of professional athletes is next level. These guys put their bodies through rigorous courses, move mountains of weights and punish themselves just to stay in peak condition. 

Well, they make enough money, so they better keep shit tight. 

Here’s the typical offseason training day for Oklahoma City Thunder megastar Kevin Durant and his teammates. In this clip The Offseason: Kevin Durant which debuts November 4th at 10pm on HBO, a few Thunder players take a nice little jog up sand hill that many of us would have looked at, laughed, and walked back into the gym for a Zumba class. 

Also, I hate sand. So I’d give up at the sight of it. 

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Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.