I Can’t Stop Watching This ‘March Badness’ Compilation Of Basketball Fails

The folks over at Fail Army routinely put together some of the funniest fail videos we’ve ever seen. But this basketball fails compilation might be the most addicting one I have ever watched. Once I started seeing how funny some of these were I couldn’t stop watching. That’s probably because I have done about 90% of the things that the fools in this video do.

Who among us, that played basketball as a kid or as an adult, didn’t climb up on a ladder or some other thing and try to dunk? Who hasn’t tried to take our balling skills to a level way above our actual abilities and paid the price? Who hasn’t been hit in the head by an errant shot or rocked in the nuts by a misdirected pass?

I live vicariously through you all, basketball fail people. Nothing but love.