Steak ‘n Shake debuts giant 7×7 Steakburger

Steak ‘n Shake is laughing in the face of vegetarians everywhere with new their AllNighter Menu item known as the 7×7 Steakburger. This towering monstrosity is 7 Steakburgers, 7 slices of American cheese, and 7 years off your life expectancy.


The last thing I need late night is more horrible food options. I don’t have the self-control after a few frat sodas to know that a burger like this is bad news. In fact, I’d be willing to bet it would seem like an amazing idea. They call it the ultimate late night challenge, and who am I to back away from such a claim? Who cares if it’s 1330 calories, 98 grams of fat, and a modest 4490 milligrams (16 McDonald’s packets) of sodium. That super-burger is talking shit, and it’s going to have to answer to me.

While the height of this giant cow stack is impressive, it would only manage 3rd place in our list of the “10 most unhealthy items at top fast food restaurants.”

There are several other crave-worthy items on the new AllNighter menu. I’m looking at you skillet.

You’ll love Steak ‘n Shake’s new AllNighter Menu featuring a number of late night favorites including New Specialty Steakburger Shooters in four delicious varieties, Buffalo Chicken Fingers, Nacho Fries, Chili or Bacon Cheese Fries, and the Steakburger Slinger, a delicious late night skillet with hash browns, genuine Steak ‘n Shake chili, Steakburger patties, eggs and cheese! Also new to the AllNighter menu is our 7×7 Steakburger – it’s 7 Steakburgers and 7 slices of American cheese … the ultimate late night challenge!


Seven-Patty Burger Anchors Steak ’n Shake Late-Night Menu [BurgerBusiness]