Doritos making Locos Tacos chips; you can win 132 bags

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Doritos Locos Tacos tortilla chips are the next iteration of awesome to come from the Taco Bell and Doritos partnership. Not only do they exist, Doritos is giving away an entire pallet of them to one bold person.

The “new flavors” are combo bags. Half of the chips are the original flavor used for shells, and the other half are taco flavored chips. Taco chips are nothing new. Doritos actually already has them in their “Late Night” flavor lineup. Throwing both in one bag, however, is world-inverting. Not only does it sound delicious, it’s a brilliant way to capitalize on double branding and the current momentum of the Taco Bell product.

As for the giveaway, it’s simple. Respond to a tweet from @Doritos, include #DoritosPallet, and say what you would do with 132 bags of Doritos Locos Tacos chips. Entries are judged creativity/originality and boldness. It’s go big or go home. Hopefully they’ll respond to weak tweets with a GIF of Dikembe.