Tipsy Tetris drinking game will get you blackout

Tired of the same old drinking games? Why not get crazy with “Tipsy Tetris?” It’s the latest “Drinking Game for Gamers” from The Warp Zone. It’s guaranteed to get you drunk. The only problem is that you need a Wii. I don’t know any self-respecting person that still plays Wii, but drinking is the perfect excuse to dust it off.

The rules seem simple enough, but I’m worried about the 4 seconds per Tetris. Assuming nobody cheats at drinking (4 seconds equals four ounces), you should be going through a case in 6 minutes for that rule alone. I haven’t played multi-player Tetris, but all I do is take out four rows at a time when I’m playing solo. Then again, no one is playing drinking games to stay sober anyway, so enjoy your blackout.

Rule recap:

Drink when someone’s item affects you.
Waterfall during the stopwatch.
Drink 5 for squishing the tiny climbing man.
Drink 4 when someone else gets a Tetris.
Drink according to your final placement.
Take a shot for consecutive wins.