Black Cow pure milk vodka is a real thing

Black Cow

Vodka can be made of anything from sugar beet to winter wheat, but Black Cow Vodka is the first time I’ve heard of it being distilled from milk. The strangest part? It’s supposedly really good.

The milk is separated into curds and whey. The curds are used to make cheese, the whey is fermented into a beer using a special yeast that converts the milk sugar into alcohol. This milk beer is then distilled and treated to our secret blending process. The vodka is then triple filtered and finished, before being hand bottled.

You can use just about anything with sugar to create vodka, so why use milk? Well, when you already have 250 dairy cows, why not? That was the reasoning behind Jason Barber’s decision to give it a shot. It appears to have worked pretty well because according to Daily Mail it’s a must-have vodka at several restaurants and has made fans of Daniel Craig and the formerly-relevant Elizabeth Hurley. If you want to channel your inner Vanessa Kensington, you can buy a 70cl bottle online for $42.

I haven’t had the opportunity to try Black Cow vodka, so I’ll leave you with this review from a spirits buyer, Olly Ford-Lane.

Slightly volatile nose to begin with but that quickly turns to aromas of vanilla ice cream and cream soda. The palate is deliciously creamy and really stands out from other vodkas, slightly hot on the finish but not in an unpleasant way. A vodka with real charm and character.