If Women Are Bummed After You Have Sex With Them It Might Not Be Your Fault Says Science

Good news, bros. It might not be your piss-poor performance in the sack that has your lady feeling the blues after sex. It might just be something called “post-coital dysphoria.”

According to the Mirror, the Journal of Sexual Medicine conducted a survey of 230 women and almost half of the respondents said that they had suffered from post-coital dysphoria or PCD.

The condition means that, after sex, 46% of respondents could suffer from what has been termed “post-sex blues”.

PCD is a condition which includes tearfulness, anxiety, agitation, a sense of melancholy or depression, or aggression.

Some even said they had experienced PCD symptoms “a few times” within the past four weeks.

Any of that sound familiar?

The Mirror also brought up a study done in 2011 by the Queensland Institute of Technology that discovered that one-third of women said that they felt depressed even after good sex.

They hypothesized that hormonal changes in women caused by having an orgasm might be at fault.

So there you go. If she seems a little down even after you put in another one of your heroic efforts in the bedroom it might actually not be your fault at all.

Though it still might be you, but at least now you can pretend it isn’t! Ignorance is bliss!

Couple in bed image by Shutterstock