Ghost Hunter Records Video Of Haunted Doll That Tried To Murder Its Previous Owner Moving Inside Glass Case At Night

I dunno dude, if you think a puppet is actively trying to kill you in your sleep then you may have bigger problems than say, a puppet that is actively trying to kill you in your sleep. But John, who apparently did not want to release his full name because who the fuck wants to publicly admit that they think a puppet it out to get them, believes that the doll is haunted and that the spirit attached to it tried to choke him out one night.

He said: ‘I cleared out all of my dad’s belongings apart from the puppet, which I left on the drawer by my bed for some reason and that night it felt like I was being choked.

‘I was wide awake in bed and thought I saw a shadow move from one side of the window to the other and worried something was trying to scare us.

‘Then without warning my throat suddenly went really tight, I’ve never had anyone’s hands around my throat before so it was really scary.(via)

Maybe you were allergic to something nearby, maybe you suddenly got a lot of dust stuck in your throat from cleaning, or maybe you’re just a fool. I dunno, those are my best guesses. Notice how none of them include “paranormal doll out on a murderous rampage.” But people believe what they want to believe, and John wanted to believe that the doll was haunted. To each their stupid, stupid own.

Feeling like he couldn’t throw the doll away because it was one of his father’s favorite possessions (ew), John then contacted paranormal investigator Jayne Harris, 32.And like any good paranormal investigator, Jayne recorded the doll sitting in a glass case for nights on nights on nights until she caught something.

Night-vision footage shows the puppet’s operating cross slowly moving upright before crashing into one of the sealed box’s glass panes.

Jayne, who investigates haunted dolls, said: ‘I’ve never had anything as exciting as this. I’ve caught pictures of mists, orbs and shadows but nothing as physical as this video evidence.

…’We’ve always kept the puppet in a sealed blessed cabinet as it’s a safe zone. It also means we can keep our experiments as controlled as possible.

‘The cabinet has no doors, so you would have to physically lift all four sides and the base off to move it, there are not any holes or space for anything to sneak in there either.

‘For us there is no point in faking your own evidence as it’s only tricking yourself – this footage is real.

‘Now we’re going to keep filming with motion sensors as this is just one video and we want to build a bigger picture currently we don’t know the name or anything else about the spirit.

‘Our ultimate goal is to find out as much as we can about the spirit and then try to understand why he is still here.’(via)

As for the footage itself…well, you can be your own judge of that. Granted, it DOES look like the puppet’s operating cross is moving by itself, but you all know me. I’m a skeptic. And the idea that this fugly lookin’ ghost is even the slightest bit haunted makes me wanna slap John across the face and tell him to stop being such a pussy.

[H/T Daily Mail]