This Is What It Looks Like When You Hit A Turkey With Your Car Going 95mph (Dash Cam Video)

Newsflash: If you hit a turkey with your car while driving 95-miles-per-hour both the bird and your car are going to end up wrecked. But why take my word for it when you can watch the video above from a dashboard mounted camera showing a turkey (and car) getting demolished by a driver cruising at speeds of 95mph.

It all happens so quickly. He’s speeding along some road in Texas, somewhere near Lockhart and Austin (according to that road sign when he hits the turkey), when that bird jumps out into the road and turns into vapor in an instant. The driver shared his video on Reddit along with these pictures of the aftermath:

One moment there’s a turkey, the next moment there’s two feathers and some turkey mist floating in the air. Life is so very precious, bros.

Watch that final fleeting moment of life once more in GIF, and then go rage this weekend knowing at any moment life could make you the turkey: