Thousands Of Bees Swarmed A Police SUV To Remind Us A Vengeful, Old Testament God Still Exists


 Oklahoma Highway patROL

What? You really bought that bullshit spouted by Jesus about how the New Testament is a new covenant with the people of God and His death and resurrection brought an end to God’s wrath?

Okay. Then how do you explain the bees? How do you explain the bees?

Thousands of them escaped in Gavin County, Oklahoma, when a truck transporting them overturned. They immediately swarmed the police SUV seen above, trapping an officer inside, one who I assume had refused to release the Israelis out of their bondage in Egypt.

Check out his view.

Oklahoma Highway Patrol

That is fucking Biblical. There is no other word.

What did we do to the bees after catching them?

Set them on fucking fire.

People. Always taunting the Lord.

[Via KOTV]