If You’re Embarrassingly Basic And Have An Obsession Over Taylor Swift, SNL Has A Miracle Cure For You

One of the top 5 worst moments in my life happened a couple weeks ago while I was at a bar with friends down in Alexandria, Virginia. Everything was going fine; the drinks were flowing and everyone was bopping around to a mix of EDM and hip-hop…until fucking Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” came on.

All hell broke loose.

Literally every single white chick started screaming simultaneously and jumping up and down, causing everyone to stop dancing and start staring at the most pathetic display of basicness I’ve ever seen. I can’t say I’ve ever been close to killing myself, but after that night I now know how it feels to be suicidal. If this sounds like something you would do, this cure for liking Taylor Swift’s music as an adult is for you.