The Most Awe-Inspiring Photos And Videos Of The Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

On Sunday night, the sun, the Earth and the moon worked in perfect symmetry for a spectacular celestial light show. The moon was at perigee, the closest point that the moon comes to Earth. When the moon circles it’s oblong orbit, this is the time when it may appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter in the sky because of it’s proximity.

There was also a lunar eclipse, but this was no regular lunar eclipse. This was the last lunar ecplipse in a series of four spanning over two years, in a phenomenon called a tetrad. So this was remarkably rare since a tetrad happens a couple of times in a century, and sometimes they skip a couple of centuries.

The blood moon eclipse that was in the sky on Sunday night was a rusty red-orange hue. This hasn’t happened since 1982.

“You’re basically seeing all of the sunrises and sunsets across the world, all at once, being reflected off the surface of the moon,” Sarah Noble, a program scientist at NASA, told the New York Times.

Mind. Blown.

Because of all the hype, I was ready for Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse thingy. I stole a pair of binoculars from my grandpa, stole one of those zoom lens kits made for cell phones from my dad, had my timeline of the celestial events on hand and I had my Casa Noble Tequila in my glass with an ice ball and a squeeze of lime. I get outside, gaze up into the heavens and witness… clouds. So many fucking clouds. Don’t worry about it clouds, I’ll just watch it the next time this phenomenon happens, which is in 2033, when I could be dead. Thanks a lot.

For everyone else who had an overcast sky, here are some of the best images of the other-worldly event.

Here’s a timelapse.

Here’s a GIF.

Here are some photos and videos.





However this was my view.