Six-Year-Old Students Caught Acting Out Rape and Drug Scenes From ‘Grand Theft Auto’

Parents of children at the Coed-y-Brain Primary School, in Llanbradach, Caerphilly (dear Lord is Welsh indecipherable), recently received notice from the school that their very young kids were behaving very badly.

How badly? Kids were “initiating games that involve simulating rape and sexual intercourse and having detailed discussion of drug use,” according to the South Wales Argus (which I guess is Welsh for newspaper).

And how young? “The youngest child showing this kind of behaviour was a six-year-old.”

Where were children at the school getting the inspiration for this? According to the school’s head teacher, Morian Morgan, Grand Theft Auto. This being Europe, though, the kids weren’t actually punished. Instead, letters were sent to parents.

The letter to parents also said children were “acting out scenes from the game which include the strongest of sexual swear words”, “having conversations” about sexual acts and “play acting extremely violent games that sometimes result in actual injury”.

The school’s head teacher said “the letter was simply a way of making parents aware of this trend rather than criticising them for the children’s actions.”

Seriously, Europeans handle things very differently than Americans.  If this was the good ol’ U.S. of A, we would have just suspended the shit out of every kid.

[H/T @Drudge_Report]