Stripper Posts a Crazy Photo of Her $3300 Cash Earnings Over One 15-Hour Shift

The Reddit thread has a lot of interesting information about the day-to-day job of being a stripper. Lots of tidbits you probably didn't know. Menagerii, who's based in Atlanta, explains what got her into stripping in the first place. For the sake of a narrative, let's start with why she's a stripper:

“Free time. I can work as often or as seldom as I like. I can skip out for three or four months straight and come back no questions asked. I get most of my attention from pole dancing. I'm not necessarily one of the better ones, but I do the most dangerous tricks”

Also, she has to pay the club to work there:

We actually have to pay the club to work there. House fees plus 10 percent. House fee is 45 dollars per shift. I worked two shifts that day so I payed 90 dollars plus 10 percent. I save 90 percent of what I make. When you make over a grand a night NET, paying out a couple hundred isn't so bad of a deal.

Why one long shift? 

It's worth working one long shift than having to work two separate days

And what makes a good stripper?

You have to be in good shape, quick witted, confident, and have a pretty face. Everything else follows

What's an average night look like? 

It's way more than I usually make. I typically make between 500 and 1500 a night. Typically male strippers make much more than girls, but you have to do it for a predominantly male clientele

The worst part of her $3,315 shift? 

There was a point between VIPs that lasted about three hours. Having to actually talk to people and ask for dances when you're tired is hellacious

Preach on! My favorite thing about the photo is the $2 bills. I don't think I've seen a $2 bill in 10 years, so the thought of a strip club patron doling them out is hilarious to me. Redditor Menagerii adds, “The best kind of customers (tip in two dollar bills). I save all of my two dollars bills and give them to homeless people.”

Total saint in our book.

[H/T: Hypervocal]

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, writing on this site since 2009. He writes about sports, music, men's fashion, outdoor gear, traveling, skiing, and epic adventures. Based in Los Angeles, he also enjoys interviewing athletes and entertainers. Proud Penn State alum, former New Yorker. Email: