This Scumbag Stabs A Walmart Loss Prevention Guard After Getting Stopped For Theft, Promptly Gets DESTROYED

Being a Loss Prevention guy is like being a cop, except with none of the weapons or training. It’s a tough and thankless job. It’s probably also super depressing because I’d imagine the majority of people stealing from Walmart are pathetic drug addicts.

This struggle with a thief goes from heated to life-threatening in the matter of seconds, as the alleged thief decides to get out of the jam he’s in by pulling a boxcutter and jamming it into the back of the security guard. Luckily, the guard seems to be okay, but it might just be the adrenaline pumping. Who knows the extent of his injuries?

I love their response though, and I think this is probably how I’d react too. As soon as someone tries to take your life, the rule book is thrown out and you want to just mangle this guy as much as possible. They quickly go from restrain to shit-stomp, and I applaud them. This thief doesn’t seem to be that bright, as he took what was likely an attempted petty theft to a felonious assault with a deadly weapon. That comes with a slightly steeper penalty.

And hey, videographer, rather than saying “man, someone should call the cops,” how ’bout you stop recording and CALL THE COPS! I guess he realized he had some viral gold on his hands and that trumps people’s lives. Chill guy.