My Dream Girl Is Both Pretty And Just Got Her Sixth DUI After Inhaling 13 Whipped Cream Cans Worth Of Whip Its


I’m just saying, Anna Thomas and I might be a match made in high heaven. I think she’s pretty and she loves whip its.

I don’t like LOVE whip its, but I’m always down to do some. And after getting her sixth DUI, according to WKRN, I can’t imagine she’s being too picky in the romance department.

So, maybe, call me? It would at least make for a fun first date. We could do whip its then go to a nice cocktail bar. My treat.

If you are out of jail, that is. Thomas was arrested last week in Tennessee after crashing into a mailbox. In her car, cops found 13 empty aerosol cans of whipped cream.

Look at all them whipped cream cans!

Franklin Police Department

That’s a lot of whip its. I’m impressed.

Police said she was high at the time, because look at her mugshot. Regardless, I won’t judge. Let’s hang.

[H/T Death and Taxes]