PRANKS: Look How Many Women And Men Supported ‘Male Privilege Tax’ To Rally Against Sexism And Wage Inequality

I am all for equality between the two sexes. I truly believe that women should be paid as much as men. Women should bemoan when there’s a case of wage inequality or if they are passed up on a promotion when they are more qualified than their male counterpart who gets an advancement. What I do not support is lashing out against innocent men who had nothing to do with how things were done unfairly in the past. There’s a small portion of feminists that want punitive damages and reparations on current males for wrongdoings in the past. That is not equality. That is not helping with sexism. This video exposes how brainwashed some people are about sexism.

You may remember Mark Dice from his fantastic video of exposing how dumb some Americans are about this great country’s history. Well he is back exposing how ignorant some people are.

This time he’s asking people on the street in San Diego, California to sign a petition that will help fight “income inequality” and “sexism” by taxing men at a higher rate. Let me repeat that, he asked people to sign a petition that will help fight “income inequality” and “sexism” by taxing men at a higher rate. You do see the irony and hypocritical message purposely used in this prank? It’s not promoting income equality if one set of people are paid less simply for being a male. And it doesn’t fight sexism if only males are taxed and not women.

He called it the “Male Privilege Tax,” and women couldn’t wait to get their John Hancock on that sheet of paper. “I’ll definitely sign for that,” one woman enthusiastically stated. To which Mark said tongue in cheek, “The thing we can do to fight sexism is to implement the Male Privilege Tax.”

“It’s a 20 percent tax on the income of men in addition to the regular income tax to help fight income inequality and sexism,” Dice tells a woman who quickly signs. A boyfriend sadly watched his girlfriend sign the petition to lower his income.

One woman saw the absurdity of the concept, stood up to the inequality and said she makes more than her husband, and wisely refused to sign the fake petition.

But it wasn’t just women signing the petition. There were several guys who gladly signed the petition to take away their hard-earned money. Men are so very afraid of being labeled a sexist in this day and age that they’ll happily sign away 20 percent of their income to avoid that scary word.

This is almost as good as the classic Jimmy Kimmel prank where he gets many females to sign a petition to end women’s suffrage, also known as a woman’s right to vote.