Looking For Love Online? Today Is Literally The Best Day To Do It

Online dating isn’t easy. There is a lot of uncomfortably throwing yourself out there. You make a lot of failed entreaties. Have a ton of fruitless fits and starts. It takes resolve to do it.

But what if there was a day where you were almost guaranteed to have success (Well, maybe not guaranteed, but certain to have the most opportunities)?

That would be nice, wouldn’t it? I’m here to tell you (by way of the Washington Post) that day is today.

According to forecasts from Match.com and Plenty of Fish, two of the country’s largest dating sites, the single most popular time for online dating — the window when the most people sign up, log on and poke around — will be Jan. 4, from roughly 5 to 8 p.m. Zoosk, another data-focused dating site, backs that estimate up; in 2014, it’s most trafficked time was on the Sunday after New Year’s.

Makes sense. Lots of people have made resolutions to find “the one” in 2015. Allowing for a couple days of post-holiday hangovers, most people will spend this Sunday starting to get their (new) life in order. That would include signing up for dating sites.

Even if you can’t get online today–you have football to watch–this next month is when singles are at their most desperate.

Across the board, dating sites see way more action between New Year’s and Valentine’s Day than they do any other time of the year.

In other words, millions of people contemplating their return to work on Sunday, hanging out with their cats or their parents or their platonic roommates, will despair and decide to “try out” online dating, after all.

And when Feb. 14 passes without utter disaster, millions of people will give up on love/Internet dating. It’s all overrated, anyway. (Sniff.)

So Tinder with abandon tonight. The ladies are at their thirstiest.