Jonah Hill And Spike Jonze Performed Drake’s ‘Marvin’s Room’

Vice magazine held a 20th anniversary party in Brooklyn on Friday. Our own Brandon Wenerd was invited but didn’t go because he had other plans.

That decision looks pretty terrible in retrospect because two of Hollywood’s favorite people, Jonah Hill and Spike Jonze, did this onstage.

Not to throw salt in Brandon’s wounds, but it appears there were some other big names doing some solid entertaining. He won’t tell me what his other plans were but there’s absolutely no way he’s not suffering some sort of deep remorse right now.


I guess there is some solace in the fact Hill did not like being Drake in front of people.

So, uh, if you’re a company throwing a cool party in the near future, be sure to hit Mr. Wenerd up with an invite. Dude has a lot of fun to catch up on.