The Internet Is Freaking Out Over This Dog Who’s Supposedly The Opposite Of ‘Grumpy Cat’

I didn’t get the Internet’s obsession over Grumpy Cat and I don’t get what the deal is with Cinnamon the Shiba, aka “the world’s happiest dog.” Yeah the 11-year-old dog is smiling and has a goofy grin plastered across her face 24/7, but who cares? It’s a dog. A happy one, albeit, but most dogs are happy as long as you feed them and take them on walks every now and then. It’s like praising a tree for being brown or a fish for being wet: it’s not like they could not-be those things even if they tried.

But maybe I’m just cynical (no maybe there, that was a joke) and don’t really get hyped up about things. Or, more likely, the Internet has just lost its shit over nothing…as always.
