Hot Brazilian Girl Gets Into Fight With Man, Drags Him Down In A Head Lock With Her Thighs In Less Than 10 Seconds

To be fair to the dude, he’s not exactly fighting back – he just kinda lays there and pats her on the leg to try and signal that she should let him go, but the lady’s like “Nah, THIGH OR DIE BITCH.”

My main question though: where’s your shirt, dude? You’re in public. Supposedly you’re even outside a club called La Musique. I’m not going to look up their dress code because I can already assume that they require shirts, so where the fuck is yours? Are you too many for one? Doubtful since this girl took you down in the street. Maybe next time chill the fuck out, keep your shirt on and you won’t wind up on YouTube.

[H/T Metro]