If A Girl Sends You A Text About Video Games Even Close To Being As Awesome As This One, You Know You’ve Got A Winner

It’s been over 5 years since we’ve gotten a new Fallout game and I’m starting to get impatient. Sure there’s DLC available for the older games, but goddammit I want a new game and I want it now! And while I know I’m not the only one out there who’s almost frothing at the bit for a new entry into the Fallout series, sometimes it does feel like I’m the only girl out there who gives a damn. I know I’m not, but I’m probably in a minority.

With that in mind, it’s nice to see that other ladiezzz out there besides myself actually give a damn. Bros, if you can find a girl like Reddit user Zeppsgaming’s wife, who comes up with new Fallout DLC randomly at 8:30 in the morning while at work, you know you’ve got a winner.

Don’t lie…you’d play that.

[H/T Reddit]