People Have Been Saying ‘Poontang’ Since 1927 And Other ‘First Official Uses’ Of Some Of The Filthiest Words Ever

Ever wonder “when was the first time everyone learned about the word fuck?” I think it all the time. Especially when I combine words to insult people by calling them things like “twat hammer” and “cock sandwich.” I immediately ponder “am I the first person to call his mom a cock sandwich?”

I’m probably not because this chart of the first official uses of some of the filthiest words in the English language is proof that people have been saying dirty things for years. Click on the image to see a larger version.

This chart, while fascinating, is also inspiration to bring back a few incredibly offense but charming words and phrases. Stuff like

  • pillicock — a man’s penis
  • melling — to screw
  • foist — to fart
  • cock alley — a vagina
  • to play at hot cockles — to screw

Start using these or other words from the chart in your daily conversation.

[H/T: Lapham’s Quarterly]


Chris Illuminati avatar
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.