Meet The Guy Who Decided To Go On Coffee Dates With All Of His Facebook Friends Rather Than Delete Them

Remember that guy from a while back to decided to take all of his Facebook friends out for coffee rather than just delete them off of his page? He’s back.

Starting in September 2014, Matt set out on a three-year project to have coffee dates with all 1,088 of his Facebook friends. Now picture yourself scrolling through your own list of friends…
At just 36 dates in, Matt has come across all of these scenarios — most of them taking place during the whopping 16-date bender he spent in New York City over the course of five days. Keurig, the American coffee brewer manufacturing company, took interest in Matt’s project because they’re also trying to promote face-to-face interaction over a cup of coffee.
Although he’s stopped accepting Facebook friends for the duration of his project, Kulesza is considering planning dates with all the strangers who now follow his page once this project is completed.

Via Elite Daily

Check out the interview with Matt below:

[H/T Elite Daily]