Great Googly Moogly! These Australians Built A Ramp Smack Dab In The Middle Of A Cannabis Field

Most skate parks are in the concrete jungle or a right next to a playground with screaming kids who just smashed heads because they were swinging like asswipes on the monkey bars. However this skate ramp in the middle of a massive cannabis field looks absolutely surreal.

We travel to New South Wales, Australia where these skateboarding enthusiasts created their own little slice of heaven. Afends is a clothing brand inspired by the punk-rock roots of the modern day culture. The Afends team brought Aussie skaters Boyd Young and Bibi Bradbury, videographer Flamingo Amigo, photographer Sam Nolan, and surfer Josh Sleep and a shit-ton of beer to this skateboarding oasis in the middle of the largest hemp field in Australia.

Afends produced the video to promote the usage of hemp, which they utilize the super strong plant to make clothing. Despite all of hemp’s amazing and varied applications and having little THC, it has been painted with a negative perception based on it being related to marijuana.

“We here at Afends are trying to make our business as environmentally sustainable as we can, and by using products such as hemp, we can strive toward a more sustainable future for the fashion industry.”

While they may not have gotten high off the plants around them, they definitely got a spiritual elevation from skating and being surrounded by nature.
