10 Mind Tricks To Fool Your Fat Ass Into Eating Less Food

I can’t remember the last time I ate because I was hungry. I eat when I’m bored, pissed, happy, have extra money or when food is staring me in the face, even if it’s not my food. I eat for almost EVERY OTHER REASON BUT HUNGER.

And that’s why my pants are tight.

Since I’ve got zero self control I need to trick myself into not doing things like eating every piece of Halloween candy in the office kitchen and not chugging protein drinks even though I haven’t been to the gym in months.

This handy infographic from Hellawella has ten mind tricks to fool yourself into eating less. Memorize the graphic below and try them all, you pudge.

H/T Hellawella

Chris Illuminati avatar
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.