Insane road rage incident leads to fight, gun being pulled

Before this video kicks off, the man in the video was allegedly cut off by the two teens. He then followed them until they got to their destination, then started a fight. The fight happened…then the gun came out.

Pulling a gun out and discharging it willy nilly is obviously beyond stupid. But let’s rank this…which of these is the least likable part of the video?

A) The guy needing to chase down a car for who knows how many miles for cutting him off
B) The teens taking him on in some sort of gangland style beat down rather than face him mano a mano
C) The fact that one of the teens is wearing pajama pants
D) The wife for handing her clearly irrational husband a gun after he’s already beyond ornery and just got embarrassed
E) The guy for holding a gun up and acting like he accomplished something for wielding a pistol handed to him by his Macy’s-dressed wife in the face of two guys who can barely shave

Just a brutal watch all around.