17 things only women with big boobs can do

There’s a disturbing trend on the internet, one that seems to focus on “big boob shaming.” Constantly telling women what they can’t do with their large breasts. Today, we are taking a stand against that, today we stand against the tyranny of evil boob shamers.

Here are 17 things only women with big boobs can do.

17. They can run their own car wash


16. And open beer bottles


15. They can provide a much needed snack in the movie theater

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14. They can get you a black belt without using your hands


13. Big boobs can help you win staring contests

12. And can be used as floatation devices


11. They allow you to take phone calls in the middle of your wedding

10. Get a good night’s rest on an airplane

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9. They can make your friends jealous


8. Help you get free food at a restaurant


7. They can help you win a fight

6. Big boobs provide a nifty place for your hammer


5. Or your screwdriver


4. Or your wrench


3. Or even your scissor


2. They can help you win the “Titty Slap” game

1. And above all they’re great for an emergency beer koozie