Three kids barely escape as ‘bouncy house’ gets blown away by wind in real life Wizard of Oz moment

That headline was not stolen from The Onion. This really happened, just yesterday in fact. Two of the three kids were hospitalized as a result. This is the pic floating around the web today.


Some details have emerged from the incident and HOLY HELL, it sounds like a complete nightmare.

Two young boys were seriously hurt late Monday afternoon when a gust of wind blew an inflatable “bounce house” structure into the air with three children inside, tossing two to asphalt from at least 15 feet above ground.

The boys, ages 5 and 6, were taken to Albany Medical Center, where they were admitted for serious injuries. One suffered a traumatic head injury, officials said. A 10-year-old girl who was inside suffered minor scrapes when she fell, according to her mother.

One of the boys landed on a parked car after he was tossed out of the toy, while the other landed on asphalt when the incident happened around 3:20 p.m. off Ferry Boulevard.

Is the end of the world nigh? I ask this sincerely. We just had the worst winter in like 100 years. It rains all the time. There’s tornadoes virtually every day. And now we have a real life Wizard of Oz moment.

Mother Nature and Jesus need to get together and start playing nice.