Australian Reporter Tries His Hardest Not To Laugh After Drive-By FHRITP On Live TV

Yesterday we brought you a FHRITP video of a Canadian reporter in Scotland, today we have an Australian drive-by FHRITP…is there no end in sight for this global phenomenon?

Live on Seven News from Lesmurdie, Australia we’ve got a high speed drive-by…as ‘Straya of a ‘F–k Her Right In The P—y’ as it gets.


Oh man, he does an incredible job at holding that smirk back but isn’t iron in his resolve. You can see the slightest hint of ‘Strayan appreciation of this meme…

Way to save that laugh on TV bro, that forced enunciation saved your career….

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This Canadian Newscaster’s Reaction To FHRITP Makes It Funny All Over Again