Anti-obesity ad places blame for fat, stupid people on their parents

First watch the ad.

Watch how parents are to blame for the obesity epidemic. Watch how this fat, lazy and stupid man is fat, stupid and lazy becomes his mom gave him french fries as a child to stop him from crying. French fries are the gateway drug to having a heart attack in your early thirties.

I’ve got two kids. I’ll give either kid french fries to get them to stop crying because there is no reasoning with a crying child. French fries are never the first option. They’re the last option. I know fast food fries are not the healthiest option but some days, when life, kids, work and the world is punching a parent square in the jaw every time he or she comes out of a defensive stance, a couple french fries might bring things to a sane level for at least a moment.

Maybe, maybe bad food and poor parenting at a young age are partially to blame. But how about putting some of the blame on the obese shoulders of the lard ass on the emergency room table. Nevermind that his wife bought him a treadmill or that a doctor told him that diabetes was on the horizon. It was those damn french fries and video games.

Now, I’m not saying the parents aren’t partially at fault. At some point, mom or dad should have picked the kid up by his husky trousers and said “get the fuck outside before I smash these video games with the heel end of my shoe while you watch” or just stopped buying bad food and banned video games all together until Junior wised up. And maybe these parents didn’t do those things, but after a while, it’s honestly out of their control and completely up to the tubby bastard to make like choices so that his kid doesn’t end up getting taser paddles to keep the ticker going.

The age of 21 is when parents stop parenting and this dude is well into his thirties. He’s long past the “you should know better” phase. If he’s not going to get healthy for himself, he needs to do to it for his kid. He doesn’t do that, making him EVEN MORE OF A SELFISH PRICK.

Jesus that ad made me angry. I need some french fries to calm down.

[via 22 words]

Chris Illuminati avatar
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.