Robin Wright Wants You To Know That She’s Having A Lot Of Great Orgasms These Days

And reading a lot of books! Because if there are two things that are important in middle age life, it’s literary proficiency and getting dicked so hard you come.

What more could you want outta this world?

That’s exactly how Robin Wright’s life is going right now, and it sounds great. Wright, who is best known for her current role as First Lady Claire Underwood on House of Cards, sat down with Vanity Fair for next month’s cover story. She talked about life since her infamous marriage to Sean Penn. Here’s the money quote, as transcribed by US Weekly.

“I’ve never been happier in my life than I am today,” she revealed, spilling some details on her sexy dynamic with [fiancé Ben] Foster. “Perhaps it’s not ladylike [to say], but I’ve never laughed more, read more, or come more than with Ben. He inspires me to be the best of myself. There’s so much to learn. It’s endless. How great! It took me a long time to grow up. Love is possible as life is possible.”

Yah word? You finally got through Finnegan’s Wake and bought a couple’s vibrator?

Actually, I shouldn’t be so quick to judge. That doesn’t sound like a bad life at all. I’ve never been able to finish that book.