Watch the Bill Murray movie few people have ever seen — until now



Countless movies get canned for a myriad of reasons.

A movie could be one hundred percent complete but if it tests poorly with audiences or certain real life events like the death of a main star get in the way, a studio will pull the plug on putting the film into theaters.

Nothing Lasts Forever is one of those films. Here’s the story from the Telegraph.

“The sci-fi comedy Nothing Lasts Forever was directed by Tom Schiller, at the time renowned for his short films on Saturday Night Live, and starred both Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd in supporting roles as well as Gremlins’ Zach Galligan. Schiller described it as “the weird move I’d always wanted to make” and sees an aspiring artist joining a group of radicals who plan to drive a bus to the moon. The film was intended for a September release, so as to capitalise on the success of both Ghostbusters and Gremlins, but MGM postponed the release date and then canned it altogether.”

Here’s Nothing Lasts Forever, in it’s entirety, because the internet rules.

[via Telegraph]

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Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.