Watch the ‘Family Guy’ Joke About Pat Tillman’s Death That Never Aired

Seth MacFarlane and his fellow writers recently named their 5 most offensive jokes for the NY Post. One of them, which was written for Family Guy,  involves the death of Pat Tillman.

According to the NY Post.

One controversial bit that never aired involved Pat Tillman, the footballer-turned-soldier killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire. A cutaway involved Peter, the father, joining Tillman’s platoon. As the commanding officer gives orders, Peter mistakenly repeats them as, “We’re going to shoot Pat Tillman in the head.” And the officer says, “No, no. Don’t shoot Pat Tillman in the head.”

The network nixed the joke.

“Seth ran into Pat Tillman’s brother and . . . he loved it, because it was all about how incompetent the military was,” Sulkin says.

Without further ado, here is the clip. And yes, it is definitely fucked up.