Entourage’s Adrien Grenier ‘Was a Real Douche’ at a Bar, Begged People for Free Shots

The crowd was thin to start, and even after Arian Grenier admitted to being single and open to a relationship, students continued to leave Graham Chapel, leaving only the first several rows occupied by the time he finished talking. […]

Grenier’s presentation centered primarily on his beliefs about environmental activism and SHFT.com, a website he co-founded to promote people and small businesses engaged in sustainable efforts. […]
Prior to playing a public service announcement about a plastic bag ban, Grenier praised Washington University’s own ban on plastic bags. […]

“Your efforts must not be reactionary but deliberate and absolutely folded into your every day and must sustain themselves for a lifetime in order to be effective…You must let yourself understand the big picture, but don’t get distracted by it,” he said. […]

Grenier also fielded a question about a possible “Entourage” movie. “If it doesn’t happen, I’ll give you a hundred bucks,” he promised a student.


Oh, but it gets worse. Apparently he headed out to the local Wash U wateringhole after it was done and caused quite a scene by acting like “a real douche”: 

Grenier was sipping on Patron, soda and orange juice with a splash of lime. According to the bartenders, he repeatedly asked them to give him free shots (they refused) and then tried to get women in the bar to buy him shots. One fan allegedly asked the bartender what Grenier was drinking and after hearing his froufrou cocktail order, she bought him a shot of bourbon.

The Three Kings staff agreed that Grenier was “a real douche.”

Someone needs to remind Grenier that the celebrity-fan drinking relationship is a two-way street. For every drink accepted free from a fan, the celebrity needs to go two-fold on the next round. Brah, you're rich. You're Marky Mark's fictious, made-for-TV doppelganger. The least you can do is buy a couple of rounds for the people that adore your character… 

Or, at the very least, tell them to fuck off. 

[H/T: Film Drunk]

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, writing on this site since 2009. He writes about sports, music, men's fashion, outdoor gear, traveling, skiing, and epic adventures. Based in Los Angeles, he also enjoys interviewing athletes and entertainers. Proud Penn State alum, former New Yorker. Email: brandon@brobible.com