Someone Ranked The 30 Most Badass Iconic Fictional Weapons And There Was A Major Snub That I Just Can’t Look Past

Bro. Imma let you finish with your fictional weapon list, which includes several solid choices, but I think my main man John J. Rambo wants to make a case for his knife before I do.

He used it for killin’…

He used it to cut his food…

He used it to emasculate lesser men…

He used it to dig up bad guy land mines…

He used it to make the ladies moist…

Did I mention that he used it for killin’?

Because when you’re pushed, killin’s as easy as breathin’!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! RIP HIS FUCKIN’ GUTS OUT, JOHNNY!!!

Ok, I got carried away there.

But whatever, Rambo’s knife was not only super versatile, as I proved, in his hands it was a badass killing machine. It certainly deserves a spot on this list.

Wait. I think I just realized that all of these weapons, not just the folks who wielded them, were ranked because they’re also fake. Well, fuck me. I tried, John. I tried.


J.Camm is the Managing Partner and Editor-in-Chief of BroBible.