Twitter Crazy: This week’s best celebrity tweets

eldh, Flickr

Every week celebrities go on Twitter and speak their minds. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re thought-provoking, and sometimes we don’t know what they’re talking about. This list is all of that and more. Strap in. It could get bumpy.

Photo credit: eldh, Flickr


Said millions.


Probably true.


Friends rocks.


Too many vowels.


She’s not joking.


You don’t want to know.



It better be.


I have dibs on Lindbergh’s plane.


Just wait.


Said millions.


We should have seen this coming.




Yes! Another birth control joke!


Maybe they need a time out too.


Everything is better with -tober added on to it.


He also is not joking.


I like this idea.


Where’s Janet Jackson when you need her?


This is important, people.


Also important.


Words to live by.


Don’t let that happen, folks.


You’re not alone, Rob.


I want to go to Heaven.


Oh my.


Troll so hard.


She is quite the role model.


Note to self.


You and me both, sister.


Wow, he calls it that too!


P-E-E-K, people.


Hard to argue with that.


Probably crash dieted a lot.


Solid advice on a Friday.


Have a great weekend, folks!