Twitter Crazy: This week’s best celebrity tweets

eldh, Flickr

Every week celebrities go on Twitter and speak their minds. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re thought-provoking, and sometimes we don’t know what they’re talking about. This list is all of that and more. Strap in. It could get bumpy.


I think Jason has his awards mixed up.


Trying it…NOW.


No wonder we came up with our own game.


Join the club, brotha.


Sorry about that.


And we did!


Who doesn’t?


That’s no being lazy, that’s upsourcing!


Here we come Pacific Rim!






Seriously, who believes that?


Oh, he’s a project all right.


No he didn’t.


Seems appropriate.


It is a skill not everyone has. Oh wait…


They really need to stop with their lies.


Just imagine what it’ll do to the males in the room with you, Genevieve.


Duly noted.


Keep tweeting while under the sheets and you won’t have “a man” much longer.


I missed that part.


No doubt about it.


Joy to the world, amirite?


Seriously, let’s step it up, folks.


He was still trying to figure out how he got into that mess.


This fight can’t possibly end up as good as I’m hoping it will be.


I see what you did there.


Aww yeah.


Have a great weekend, everybody!