Selena Gomez is reportedly ‘disgusted’ by Justin Bieber now

Selena Gomez/Justin Bieber image by DFree/Shutterstock

Finally, Selena Gomez allegedly realizes what we were trying to tell her back when she was dating Justin Bieber: that it was a big, big mistake. Amazing that it took her this long.

Related: Justin Bieber had a party with a bunch of naked chicks, allegedly

According to InTouch

“Now that she sees what Justin’s become, she’s so thankful she let him go. She’s disgusted by all the stories and she’s afraid of what he was doing behind her back.”

“It’s not the set of morals and values that she has—she’d never want to be associated with a man like that. She wants to be with someone who’s older and more mature now – a man, not a boy like Justin.”

Ha. She called him a man. How cute.

So how long until these two are back together? A month? Two?

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