Nude photos of Madonna going up for auction (due to such high demand)

Madonna image by

No, not nude photos of Madonna today (eww). These are from 1977 when she was 18 years-old. Back when she was way more sexy and much less Skeletorish. (Is too a word, spellcheck.)

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Apparently the photos were taken by photographer Herman Kulkens then sold to Bob Guccione who published some of them in Penthouse magazine. You remember Penthouse magazine, right? Now Guccione is dead (and well, so is Penthouse) so the photos are going on the auction block, as well as dozens of other photos of naked ladies sporting a 1970s bush.

So if you’re hankering to relive the glory days of prehistoric Madonna in the buff, just click right here and cast your bid on any of the over 35 pics.