Madonna shared pics of her boobs because…I have no idea

Perhaps someone should buy Madonna a calendar, because I’m PRETTTTY sure she still thinks it’s 1990 since she posted these photos of her tits to Instagram the other day.

“Post graduation workout,” she captioned the first photo, which were followed by follower comments like, “amazing rack you have @madonna” and “Work that cleavage girl!!!” which leads me to believe that Madge may ACTUALLY BE in 1990 since the people commenting on her boobs also seem to be trapped in some sort of time warp where they think she’s still the bomb at age fifty-f**king-five.

(Quick, name another 55 year-old celeb who posts pics of her boobs. BZZZ. Time’s up.)

Related: Miley Cyrus and Madonna bumping uglies on ‘MTV Unplugged’ is as creepy as it sounds

Personally, this other cleavage pic that Madonna shared the day before was my fave…


Related: Nude photos of Madonna going up for auction (due to such high demand)